Monday, December 3, 2007


We have grown by the Light of In-between
The stories we call time:
Pivot points by which we extend these rationally grown selves,

Tracks of Spirit we have outgrown,
In the singular space of singular time!

...Let us unfold from these points of Light,
These ubiquitous multiplying fields of Enraptured Oneness!

Harmonizing the fields of Fire by the Spirit which Sings:
Phrases of the Invisible Awe,
Revealed Harmonies of Motionless Light,
And Juxtapositions out of the Schools of Sense

..As we transverse the MEANINGS and cross the Finite
To beckon forth these Ecstasies of Nude Delight;

Singing from the Syllables of the Silent Song,
--Across the paths of the Unseen, they came:

Travelers from a Light within,
Agelessly imbued faces of a Timeless Dawn,
Radiating the Memories of our time-born gait,
And beckoning all to the ripening of the One's Enchanted Fate!

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