Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Plea for Inner Flight

Where are you Shelly?

Come liberate these frightfully dead ghosts
They have mocked your Spirit,
Ciphering the Embalming fluid from your stiffened flesh,
Longly buried and turned to ash,
Now riding upon the Wings of a Greater Song,
Unheard by these deafened of the most profound trance.

Come shake the foundation of these Mediocrities
Who convert the Undying Fire of Ageless Verse
Into formally arrayed Niceties which forever say Nothing!

Show them how to grow that Flame within,
By the Light of their Soul's Undying Sun
- Knowing neither time nor space,
Effortlessly engulfing all by the eternal incipient sounds,
Wandering through Infinity,
Into hand transcribing the ineffable,
Into visions of Eternal Delight.

The Inaudible Whispers brought to Earth by the Breath of the Bold
Now needs to flow once again into Hearts which aren't afraid to
Skip and plunge across these Pregnant and Voiceless fields of the

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