The following poems were composed between 1988 and 1991.
Find myself wandering through thoughts
In rooms adjacent to those physically held;
Tongueless yet enticing conversations
Interior shapes becoming well-versed mediums of wide awake travel;
And yet only two outer seconds have passed through the perceptual accountant's string along time
An unlooked eternity I have fallen into or effortlessly breathe
And as the years blossom, I begin to mount a scream of conscious articulation.
Unpremeditated shifts of vision are taken heed by those curious wills
and piercing intents.
Syncopations of the unknown incubating the seeds of the different tomorrows
Secretly guiding and imploring us to-play
With the many different looks of the forgotten shapes of eternity.
Where rapidly alternating positions spell a constancy of vision
Where sleep spells waking
And where stability implies an unframed vision
Ever changed by an unpremeditated plunge into the Unknown
- While the chalk-board moments becomes a fairytale of former sleep
A perpetual play of the Instantaneous moving as it thinks
Through awakening eyes, which vanish as they grow
Deepening the seconds where hearts vibrate in untold unison
Prior to small mouths forming a first syllable.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Silence which grows within imparts comprehensions
Which otherwise eludes these assertive but lonely selves
Transparencies of light illuminating an infinity of rooms by
The Sun of a Silent and joyous will.
Spoken words become radiant sources of interior sounds
And sleep becomes active silent states too insurmountable to be fitted
Into the strung out separate-worded syllables;
Spaces that are traversed... incomprehensible to the slowly shifting eyes
Of the perceptual building blocks of linear time...
Vanishing in an instant by the waking-attuned eyes of deeper thought
As they begin to draw back the line and follow the inherent silence between
Their Symbolic rooms which switch by the eyes which increasingly vanish
As the light expands and the movements accelerate.
Which otherwise eludes these assertive but lonely selves
Transparencies of light illuminating an infinity of rooms by
The Sun of a Silent and joyous will.
Spoken words become radiant sources of interior sounds
And sleep becomes active silent states too insurmountable to be fitted
Into the strung out separate-worded syllables;
Spaces that are traversed... incomprehensible to the slowly shifting eyes
Of the perceptual building blocks of linear time...
Vanishing in an instant by the waking-attuned eyes of deeper thought
As they begin to draw back the line and follow the inherent silence between
Their Symbolic rooms which switch by the eyes which increasingly vanish
As the light expands and the movements accelerate.
Behind the constancy of chattered filled spaces
Breathes waves of endless rolling Being and Delight...
Beckoning back the intensities of wide-open eye silences
Shifting from entranced immobile states
To the active flow of new Conscious Flight.
Images moving without thought tied to a meaning or self...
Those clear cultivated fields where the things of eternity pass!
A Timeless unknown mediating within transit ways of other molded designs
Structuring new dawns for the dance of innocently awakened selves
And raining new wonders of delight upon each other's dream walk.
Breathes waves of endless rolling Being and Delight...
Beckoning back the intensities of wide-open eye silences
Shifting from entranced immobile states
To the active flow of new Conscious Flight.
Images moving without thought tied to a meaning or self...
Those clear cultivated fields where the things of eternity pass!
A Timeless unknown mediating within transit ways of other molded designs
Structuring new dawns for the dance of innocently awakened selves
And raining new wonders of delight upon each other's dream walk.
Finding ourselves wandering through thoughts
In rooms adjacent to those physically held;
Tongueless yet enticing conversations
These worlds consciously bloom through infinite points across the Unknown
No longer clutching to thought, as these wonder children of time
Become the play of another Mind
And Inner pivot points give rise to the interior depths of deepening Silence
Chattering thoughts leave their vicious rounds of reflection
Creating new visions from the heart of Silent Intent.
Soundless corridors and multidimensional travels
Unfathomable horizons of transparent eternities
And a multi-billion Inner suns flashing at the Door of the Inconceivable!
In rooms adjacent to those physically held;
Tongueless yet enticing conversations
These worlds consciously bloom through infinite points across the Unknown
No longer clutching to thought, as these wonder children of time
Become the play of another Mind
And Inner pivot points give rise to the interior depths of deepening Silence
Chattering thoughts leave their vicious rounds of reflection
Creating new visions from the heart of Silent Intent.
Soundless corridors and multidimensional travels
Unfathomable horizons of transparent eternities
And a multi-billion Inner suns flashing at the Door of the Inconceivable!
We are imprints from the heart of Intent
We cling too fervently to these forms flying across distances
We cannot fathom in the unwatched seconds!
Inarticulate, we cling to the forms which take to daytime sense
As we learn to unravel the Undecipher's web
Beginning to bridge spaces through unknown loops prior to our birth
Webworks of infinite Dance across points of time and timelessness
Patterns by which Consciousness' dreams becomes our secret flesh
We form the silent-stuff where myth and time converge
Into the formed Patterns of wonder
Enticing the awoken faces to their own Inner Light
So they too may uncloak the eyes of a wider vision
Dancing in the silent spaces of silently awakened infinities
We cling too fervently to these forms flying across distances
We cannot fathom in the unwatched seconds!
Inarticulate, we cling to the forms which take to daytime sense
As we learn to unravel the Undecipher's web
Beginning to bridge spaces through unknown loops prior to our birth
Webworks of infinite Dance across points of time and timelessness
Patterns by which Consciousness' dreams becomes our secret flesh
We form the silent-stuff where myth and time converge
Into the formed Patterns of wonder
Enticing the awoken faces to their own Inner Light
So they too may uncloak the eyes of a wider vision
Dancing in the silent spaces of silently awakened infinities
Joy and will when orchestrated in harmony touches points
From the heart of Intent...
Delightful spaceless arrays of care-free transparencies
The self-speaking place where representational dimension vanishes
Into the light of Ineffable Being.
Particle and Wave
Becoming delightful toying mazes of the Conscious Inner Child
An intercommerce of transinfinite Form which seemingly freezes
The outward imagination
--Spontaneous yet ever whirling ecstatic Dances
Ever-changing Inbetween the Spoken with unselfconscious blinking eyes.
Moving through sheer Intent into realms previously travelled only
In moments of untranslated deepened trance
Its dawning perpetual Smile
Its constant living/Knowing
A Delightful inner firing of the outward neuronal coordinates.
Through a nonsequential yet Joyous and harmonious order
A brilliant stride cutting clear across the infinite points of timeless space
An incalculable melding of the many unsuspecting Faces
Where Symbol and thought merge indistinguishably as One
Remolding the rooms of Waking Thought by Light of the Inner Expanses.
Creating and retracing through moments of timeless transparencies....
Travelled immense space rarely bridged...let along fused!
The Inbetween journeys...more incalculable than the most
Distant of galaxies.
All Present Now...The eyes within the eyes
And the ever sweet multidimensional Smile
Which exudes the Fire of a Timeless Knowing.
From the heart of Intent...
Delightful spaceless arrays of care-free transparencies
The self-speaking place where representational dimension vanishes
Into the light of Ineffable Being.
Particle and Wave
Becoming delightful toying mazes of the Conscious Inner Child
An intercommerce of transinfinite Form which seemingly freezes
The outward imagination
--Spontaneous yet ever whirling ecstatic Dances
Ever-changing Inbetween the Spoken with unselfconscious blinking eyes.
Moving through sheer Intent into realms previously travelled only
In moments of untranslated deepened trance
Its dawning perpetual Smile
Its constant living/Knowing
A Delightful inner firing of the outward neuronal coordinates.
Through a nonsequential yet Joyous and harmonious order
A brilliant stride cutting clear across the infinite points of timeless space
An incalculable melding of the many unsuspecting Faces
Where Symbol and thought merge indistinguishably as One
Remolding the rooms of Waking Thought by Light of the Inner Expanses.
Creating and retracing through moments of timeless transparencies....
Travelled immense space rarely bridged...let along fused!
The Inbetween journeys...more incalculable than the most
Distant of galaxies.
All Present Now...The eyes within the eyes
And the ever sweet multidimensional Smile
Which exudes the Fire of a Timeless Knowing.
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Penny Poem - For a Child but Child Not
Oh to find a penny,
If I had one more I would have plenty!
Where to look
Where to run
I do not know,
But following my nose is lots of Fun!
Each and every penny scanned and found
Makes all the days aglow
Thrilling in beauty and spinning around
But to lose this penny
Would bring such a sadful day
A lonely tear
A woe filled play
But perhaps at last the Day has come
To give this penny away(?!)
Rather than
------------ to pick it up,
-----------------------Hide and Run,
-------------------------------------------------Skip away!
If I had one more I would have plenty!
Where to look
Where to run
I do not know,
But following my nose is lots of Fun!
Each and every penny scanned and found
Makes all the days aglow
Thrilling in beauty and spinning around
But to lose this penny
Would bring such a sadful day
A lonely tear
A woe filled play
But perhaps at last the Day has come
To give this penny away(?!)
Rather than
------------ to pick it up,
-----------------------Hide and Run,
-------------------------------------------------Skip away!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Who are you really?
What do you Feel?
What is your piece with the universe?
Do you wonder, plain and simple...
Free from the concern of your poised daily ego?
Do you walk with open eyes in your Dreams?
Do you dare explore Self?
Can you understand Self apart from Image?
And can you see the place where all things meet,
In the Inner space of spaceless silence?
My Soul is for one who Knows how to Dance, Fly and Play
In endless Inner Skies which lives and breathes in all Inbetweens...
Not to be found You or I, except by the delightful waking notice of
A Silent rare few, who know how to Feel, Touch and Be through and through
The Invisible Point - here where I have found the one I love so much.
Whose Love and Touch evokes the attention of the most oblivious of Gods.
All crowded Infinity is her Audience,
She is favorite among them: The "Beloved One."
-- The One who knows the secrets of the ever beginless Instant.
You have come out from the Perfect Fields of Nowhere;
Reflected in you eyes of beauty, the Gods and the Invisible Audiences of Infinity.
You have taught in the Invisible School in which you are the oldest student
Yet unbeknownst to your beautiful innocence, the eldest and most sacred teacher
In a classroom which is as immense as Eternity Itself.
I desire you and you came;
And now we meet in-between two eternal somewheres
In Divine embrace and bond which makes even the Gods weep.
They know this "I" as well but within a slightly different guise...
I come representing earthly timeless millions!
Together we blossom from an ever elusive Indivisibility
The ever-infinite flower which sculpts timelessness with time
In a Single and Incalculable Instant.
Both sides watch in Awe, as the great seemingly precarious experiment unfolds.
Both sides decided within an indefinite past, yet single instant
At the Invisible Point of Perception where the two would secretly embrace
And Joyfully begin as One.
We are the Divine Equation
We are the Unthought grown from an unquenchable desire to Be,
Two Faces parting the Invisible Folds
Embracing forever and Anew!
What do you Feel?
What is your piece with the universe?
Do you wonder, plain and simple...
Free from the concern of your poised daily ego?
Do you walk with open eyes in your Dreams?
Do you dare explore Self?
Can you understand Self apart from Image?
And can you see the place where all things meet,
In the Inner space of spaceless silence?
My Soul is for one who Knows how to Dance, Fly and Play
In endless Inner Skies which lives and breathes in all Inbetweens...
Not to be found You or I, except by the delightful waking notice of
A Silent rare few, who know how to Feel, Touch and Be through and through
The Invisible Point - here where I have found the one I love so much.
Whose Love and Touch evokes the attention of the most oblivious of Gods.
All crowded Infinity is her Audience,
She is favorite among them: The "Beloved One."
-- The One who knows the secrets of the ever beginless Instant.
You have come out from the Perfect Fields of Nowhere;
Reflected in you eyes of beauty, the Gods and the Invisible Audiences of Infinity.
You have taught in the Invisible School in which you are the oldest student
Yet unbeknownst to your beautiful innocence, the eldest and most sacred teacher
In a classroom which is as immense as Eternity Itself.
I desire you and you came;
And now we meet in-between two eternal somewheres
In Divine embrace and bond which makes even the Gods weep.
They know this "I" as well but within a slightly different guise...
I come representing earthly timeless millions!
Together we blossom from an ever elusive Indivisibility
The ever-infinite flower which sculpts timelessness with time
In a Single and Incalculable Instant.
Both sides watch in Awe, as the great seemingly precarious experiment unfolds.
Both sides decided within an indefinite past, yet single instant
At the Invisible Point of Perception where the two would secretly embrace
And Joyfully begin as One.
We are the Divine Equation
We are the Unthought grown from an unquenchable desire to Be,
Two Faces parting the Invisible Folds
Embracing forever and Anew!
The following poem is a preface to the epic poem,
"A Tale of Neshua and Myrian."
Prior to Thought and Utterance of Speech
I call thee out of a Heart Unborn
Out of the Timeless Corridors of the Unseen
And from the Still-Point Horizons of Perpetual Light:
I Turn Myself to Thee, adoring as your every cell;
The Pattern of your Becoming.
I merge into these Loving-Child-Like-Eyes of Silent Knowing Delight
And Ignite to the Realm of Speechless Joy........
Ecstatically thrilling in this tale of your Soul as it walks through time.
Crossing the fields of the Unnamed in Timeless Breathless Muse,
Out of an Inexplicable Instant, "It" SILENTLY pauses - turns to me
And Smiles as One.
She has encompassed everything in these Fields of the Finite,
Except this "I" which is her Soul, sparking the memory as to why she came;
A Messenger bring back the Data of Delight,
To be consumed for the fertilization of worlds yet to be born.
The Fateful day has been unveiled,
Pregnant with the Birth of a
New Divinity!
In reply to my poem the following love poem was written to
me by L. (around mid 1988). It directly captures an Inner sense, or that
which cannot be typically voiced with respect to the essence and beauty
of our work together.
"A Tale of Neshua and Myrian."
Prior to Thought and Utterance of Speech
I call thee out of a Heart Unborn
Out of the Timeless Corridors of the Unseen
And from the Still-Point Horizons of Perpetual Light:
I Turn Myself to Thee, adoring as your every cell;
The Pattern of your Becoming.
I merge into these Loving-Child-Like-Eyes of Silent Knowing Delight
And Ignite to the Realm of Speechless Joy........
Ecstatically thrilling in this tale of your Soul as it walks through time.
Crossing the fields of the Unnamed in Timeless Breathless Muse,
Out of an Inexplicable Instant, "It" SILENTLY pauses - turns to me
And Smiles as One.
She has encompassed everything in these Fields of the Finite,
Except this "I" which is her Soul, sparking the memory as to why she came;
A Messenger bring back the Data of Delight,
To be consumed for the fertilization of worlds yet to be born.
The Fateful day has been unveiled,
Pregnant with the Birth of a

In reply to my poem the following love poem was written to
me by L. (around mid 1988). It directly captures an Inner sense, or that
which cannot be typically voiced with respect to the essence and beauty
of our work together.
Inverted invisible spaces
Between images phrases an
d places

I wander here through days into nights
Frolicking there in frightening delights
Nothing is borrowed and nothing is lent
Where shadows cast light on nature's intent
Empty is open, not lived as a lack
I take nothing with me and bring it all back.
We play there together, you and I
Where highest is low and lowest is high
Over and under where fairies abound
We sing and laugh not making a sound
We play there together with twinkling eyes
Invisibility masks the disguise
Speaking the language of endless space
We will our time to the timeless place.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Windows Through A Spring Day
Through waking days of rolling waves of endless laughter
A parting of the seas of the perpetually rigid
Other moments where we wander coalesce into self-vision
Where formerly we slept.
The Laughing Soul flies through the corridors of the tightly held
And turns them into Wingless birds who fly through eternity twice as fast.
These universes blossom from laughter in endless perpetual Delight!
Spontaneous mouldings of the moments
As the ethereal Inner breezes of their Seasons enticingly prompts
The Dance of a billion creatures!
A parting of the seas of the perpetually rigid
Other moments where we wander coalesce into self-vision
Where formerly we slept.
The Laughing Soul flies through the corridors of the tightly held
And turns them into Wingless birds who fly through eternity twice as fast.
These universes blossom from laughter in endless perpetual Delight!
Spontaneous mouldings of the moments
As the ethereal Inner breezes of their Seasons enticingly prompts
The Dance of a billion creatures!
We have grown by the Light of In-between
The stories we call time:
Pivot points by which we extend these rationally grown selves,
Tracks of Spirit we have outgrown,
In the singular space of singular time!
...Let us unfold from these points of Light,
These ubiquitous multiplying fields of Enraptured Oneness!
Harmonizing the fields of Fire by the Spirit which Sings:
Phrases of the Invisible Awe,
Revealed Harmonies of Motionless Light,
And Juxtapositions out of the Schools of Sense
..As we transverse the MEANINGS and cross the Finite
To beckon forth these Ecstasies of Nude Delight;
Singing from the Syllables of the Silent Song,
--Across the paths of the Unseen, they came:
Travelers from a Light within,
Agelessly imbued faces of a Timeless Dawn,
Radiating the Memories of our time-born gait,
And beckoning all to the ripening of the One's Enchanted Fate!
The stories we call time:
Pivot points by which we extend these rationally grown selves,
Tracks of Spirit we have outgrown,
In the singular space of singular time!
...Let us unfold from these points of Light,
These ubiquitous multiplying fields of Enraptured Oneness!
Harmonizing the fields of Fire by the Spirit which Sings:
Phrases of the Invisible Awe,
Revealed Harmonies of Motionless Light,
And Juxtapositions out of the Schools of Sense
..As we transverse the MEANINGS and cross the Finite
To beckon forth these Ecstasies of Nude Delight;
Singing from the Syllables of the Silent Song,
--Across the paths of the Unseen, they came:
Travelers from a Light within,
Agelessly imbued faces of a Timeless Dawn,
Radiating the Memories of our time-born gait,
And beckoning all to the ripening of the One's Enchanted Fate!
We are One Thought,
Travelling along paths of One
Twin births..harmonizing delights
Of an Unborn Spirit faster than time...
Unveil these Inner Naked Points of Fathomless Speed
By the Singular Light of the One;
Articulate the Inner pauses by the dance of the epiphany
Of a new Soul- Stride --
And voicelessly weave the Spaceless Thought,
By the radiant utterances of Silent Bliss!
--Marching forward from this held hand of partitioned time,
Simultaneities of hidden dawn unfold,
By the intimations of the Naked Soul
--And hymns from the eternal chant, send forth the Laughing Children
Of a forgotten Divine;
--Beckoning from the Wisdom of the Silent Whole,
Memories which fall from their scattered fields of transmigrated Fate:
Growing from an Inner Look,
--A Timeless Instant,
Illumined points of Inwardly expanding Light,
From the Timeless glow of the Infant's Smile.
Travelling along paths of One
Twin births..harmonizing delights
Of an Unborn Spirit faster than time...
Unveil these Inner Naked Points of Fathomless Speed
By the Singular Light of the One;
Articulate the Inner pauses by the dance of the epiphany
Of a new Soul- Stride --
And voicelessly weave the Spaceless Thought,
By the radiant utterances of Silent Bliss!
--Marching forward from this held hand of partitioned time,
Simultaneities of hidden dawn unfold,
By the intimations of the Naked Soul
--And hymns from the eternal chant, send forth the Laughing Children
Of a forgotten Divine;
--Beckoning from the Wisdom of the Silent Whole,
Memories which fall from their scattered fields of transmigrated Fate:
Growing from an Inner Look,
--A Timeless Instant,
Illumined points of Inwardly expanding Light,
From the Timeless glow of the Infant's Smile.
We are Ancient Children blossoming infinities through the Silent-Sounded Space
Inbetween others' drawn lines.
We go beyond the upheld mirror of incremental spoken self;
Shouting an infinity of Oneness through the glance of our timeless and loving eyes:
We accelerate faster than reflected thought will go;
Speaking as One...
Harmonizing delights within Silent Worlds never brought into others' light;
Where tales of unaccountable times spring up amidst the deepening wells of the invisible Seconds.
..Places where reflections come but never go back;
Dancing upon wings of self-abandon Joys,
Which have forgotten how to think and just know how to Be.
Moving along the edges of breezes, of blood pounding pulsating deepening looks
Timeless moments draw one second to the next through
The Conscious Dance of Unknown Worlds;
Making a lifetime of one-hundred measured slots,
An effortlessly expanded infinity by the glowing light of deathless smiles:
Created transparencies of Dance through the granitizing posing marked fronts
Called "You" and "I";
The sleeping stretches between birth and death -
Courageous discontinuities upon the wings of Faceless Desires!
Our stares sometimes become like stagnant air,
But sudden and unexpected breezes often stir across these unseen wider fields of focus
Inaudibly breaking the heaving mass of one set light into unformulated Multicolored hues.
The refreshing thrill of self-hidden unexpected vasts
Newly dawned expanses turning selves into pure air
There to join with the masses of Infinity...
Floating in a wider open circle of the spaceless;
New seeds are blown into well trodden fields fertilized by the Orphan Wind
Of ever Conscious Light,
And transfigurations of new associates bathe in a glow rarely seen
In the Valley of the Unstirred.
Inbetween others' drawn lines.
We go beyond the upheld mirror of incremental spoken self;
Shouting an infinity of Oneness through the glance of our timeless and loving eyes:
We accelerate faster than reflected thought will go;
Speaking as One...
Harmonizing delights within Silent Worlds never brought into others' light;
Where tales of unaccountable times spring up amidst the deepening wells of the invisible Seconds.
..Places where reflections come but never go back;
Dancing upon wings of self-abandon Joys,
Which have forgotten how to think and just know how to Be.
Moving along the edges of breezes, of blood pounding pulsating deepening looks
Timeless moments draw one second to the next through
The Conscious Dance of Unknown Worlds;
Making a lifetime of one-hundred measured slots,
An effortlessly expanded infinity by the glowing light of deathless smiles:
Created transparencies of Dance through the granitizing posing marked fronts
Called "You" and "I";
The sleeping stretches between birth and death -
Courageous discontinuities upon the wings of Faceless Desires!
Our stares sometimes become like stagnant air,
But sudden and unexpected breezes often stir across these unseen wider fields of focus
Inaudibly breaking the heaving mass of one set light into unformulated Multicolored hues.
The refreshing thrill of self-hidden unexpected vasts
Newly dawned expanses turning selves into pure air
There to join with the masses of Infinity...
Floating in a wider open circle of the spaceless;
New seeds are blown into well trodden fields fertilized by the Orphan Wind
Of ever Conscious Light,
And transfigurations of new associates bathe in a glow rarely seen
In the Valley of the Unstirred.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The simplest of Thought veils; shuffling seconds of Laughter unto Insanity
Peace into Terror and back again.
Continual Streams of Pulsation's Play
Spontaneous Flows infinitely Unknown, yet inextricably entwined by the
Uninterrupted choice of each:
Through Rooms inseparable from our Will
The Footsteps of a Conscious Walk in to the paths of the Living and Inbetween.
Rarely touched Awakened Air stirs outside the Escapist garb --
Vanishing as it moves, yet leaving behind a trace of the never-existent
Once Known...
An Ageless Myth...
A Survivor of a billion worlds tales
Now an eternal orphan fueling the Lights of a billion Suns
Too quick for Thought's Mentation or Speech's Articulation:
Movements of our Will continually gone awry by the Translating I's
Relentless posture of endless points of Two.
Transinfinity's Dream, a terror too much to bear or an equal and utter Delight.
It plays by the rules of its ruthlessly Transcendent Heart
Inbetween the shifts of Infinity's Unconnected Seconds -
The Adrenaline filled floods of Perpetual Light!
Following the rhythms of its widened envisioned Play
Spontaneously dawned wisdoms for the willing of any day!
...The ever Deathless few who plummet and find their firmly rooted selves
As but Shadows flying through the Inverted Invisible Space by the ever so
Daring leaps of their Uncharted Souls.
A Logic outside reasons mirrors - of the many reflected selves called
"You" and "I"
- The wavering forms upon one ray of an ever mounting Inner Sun!
A blinding dazzling glow tailored to a secretly crafted darkness
For Images which still sleepingly swallow, rather than artistically mold in Knowing Light...
Incomprehensible presents too wide for disconnected time grown selves of dual translation;
Unless they too take the plunge into an ever-unknown, which is but a
Blink's distance within the wide but meaningful tiny world of their Chatter lines.
Our bodies Know what our outer mouths attempt to speak...
Mimicking all even while creating anew --
Synchronizations of Unsealed Sounds --
Through wills of ineffably linked airs of Impeccable Silence!
Peace into Terror and back again.
Continual Streams of Pulsation's Play
Spontaneous Flows infinitely Unknown, yet inextricably entwined by the
Uninterrupted choice of each:
Through Rooms inseparable from our Will
The Footsteps of a Conscious Walk in to the paths of the Living and Inbetween.
Rarely touched Awakened Air stirs outside the Escapist garb --
Vanishing as it moves, yet leaving behind a trace of the never-existent
Once Known...
An Ageless Myth...
A Survivor of a billion worlds tales
Now an eternal orphan fueling the Lights of a billion Suns
Too quick for Thought's Mentation or Speech's Articulation:
Movements of our Will continually gone awry by the Translating I's
Relentless posture of endless points of Two.
Transinfinity's Dream, a terror too much to bear or an equal and utter Delight.
It plays by the rules of its ruthlessly Transcendent Heart
Inbetween the shifts of Infinity's Unconnected Seconds -
The Adrenaline filled floods of Perpetual Light!
Following the rhythms of its widened envisioned Play
Spontaneously dawned wisdoms for the willing of any day!
...The ever Deathless few who plummet and find their firmly rooted selves
As but Shadows flying through the Inverted Invisible Space by the ever so
Daring leaps of their Uncharted Souls.
A Logic outside reasons mirrors - of the many reflected selves called
"You" and "I"
- The wavering forms upon one ray of an ever mounting Inner Sun!
A blinding dazzling glow tailored to a secretly crafted darkness
For Images which still sleepingly swallow, rather than artistically mold in Knowing Light...
Incomprehensible presents too wide for disconnected time grown selves of dual translation;
Unless they too take the plunge into an ever-unknown, which is but a
Blink's distance within the wide but meaningful tiny world of their Chatter lines.
Our bodies Know what our outer mouths attempt to speak...
Mimicking all even while creating anew --
Synchronizations of Unsealed Sounds --
Through wills of ineffably linked airs of Impeccable Silence!
These Lighted spheres of Infinity swell with pregnancy of the New Dawn
Ageless corridors of enchanted smiles radiating from a time never begun;
And grim shadowless Monsters of the temporal deep
Lift their veil of Death and Despair
Illuminated by the Light of the Ineffable Ageless Child of Joy
Multi-flowering ecstasies of Mindless Delight
Unmarked expanses of Inwardly Awakened Sound
And teachings out of the Imageless veils of half-inspired Joy.
We sing ourselves from realities of the Deathless Song
And grow by the Silent Rapture of Infinite Embrace.
Ageless corridors of enchanted smiles radiating from a time never begun;
And grim shadowless Monsters of the temporal deep
Lift their veil of Death and Despair
Illuminated by the Light of the Ineffable Ageless Child of Joy
Multi-flowering ecstasies of Mindless Delight
Unmarked expanses of Inwardly Awakened Sound
And teachings out of the Imageless veils of half-inspired Joy.
We sing ourselves from realities of the Deathless Song
And grow by the Silent Rapture of Infinite Embrace.
The Plea for Inner Flight
Where are you Shelly?
Come liberate these frightfully dead ghosts
They have mocked your Spirit,
Ciphering the Embalming fluid from your stiffened flesh,
Longly buried and turned to ash,
Now riding upon the Wings of a Greater Song,
Unheard by these deafened of the most profound trance.
Come shake the foundation of these Mediocrities
Who convert the Undying Fire of Ageless Verse
Into formally arrayed Niceties which forever say Nothing!
Show them how to grow that Flame within,
By the Light of their Soul's Undying Sun
- Knowing neither time nor space,
Effortlessly engulfing all by the eternal incipient sounds,
Wandering through Infinity,
Into hand transcribing the ineffable,
Into visions of Eternal Delight.
The Inaudible Whispers brought to Earth by the Breath of the Bold
Now needs to flow once again into Hearts which aren't afraid to
Skip and plunge across these Pregnant and Voiceless fields of the
Come liberate these frightfully dead ghosts
They have mocked your Spirit,
Ciphering the Embalming fluid from your stiffened flesh,
Longly buried and turned to ash,
Now riding upon the Wings of a Greater Song,
Unheard by these deafened of the most profound trance.
Come shake the foundation of these Mediocrities
Who convert the Undying Fire of Ageless Verse
Into formally arrayed Niceties which forever say Nothing!
Show them how to grow that Flame within,
By the Light of their Soul's Undying Sun
- Knowing neither time nor space,
Effortlessly engulfing all by the eternal incipient sounds,
Wandering through Infinity,
Into hand transcribing the ineffable,
Into visions of Eternal Delight.
The Inaudible Whispers brought to Earth by the Breath of the Bold
Now needs to flow once again into Hearts which aren't afraid to
Skip and plunge across these Pregnant and Voiceless fields of the
We think we awaken but do we really?!
"Chaung Tzu once dreamt he was a butterfly
But upon awakening he is said to have questioned,
"Is it I, Chaung Tzu who has been dreaming to be a butterfly
or is it the butterfly now dreaming to be Chaung Tzu?!"
We wander through the chrysalis of moments:
Spontaneous corridors providing reflection
For the unsure footing of the Nameless;
Wanderers of the Timeless...
But these points are merely Symbol corridors
Of Silent Breaths...
Images creating the Memory of Purpose;
Too quick to obscure the Unseen Delight!
Who so wandereth among us the labelless moments
And sees the Child of Man but an infant Spirit,
Playing Itself in the Image of Two,
So it might establish the core of self-reason while pretending
To forget its Wings of Oneness through the myriads
Of the Smiling Instants!
"Chaung Tzu once dreamt he was a butterfly
But upon awakening he is said to have questioned,
"Is it I, Chaung Tzu who has been dreaming to be a butterfly
or is it the butterfly now dreaming to be Chaung Tzu?!"
We wander through the chrysalis of moments:
Spontaneous corridors providing reflection
For the unsure footing of the Nameless;
Wanderers of the Timeless...
But these points are merely Symbol corridors
Of Silent Breaths...
Images creating the Memory of Purpose;
Too quick to obscure the Unseen Delight!
Who so wandereth among us the labelless moments
And sees the Child of Man but an infant Spirit,
Playing Itself in the Image of Two,
So it might establish the core of self-reason while pretending
To forget its Wings of Oneness through the myriads
Of the Smiling Instants!
In the midst of Covergence a Meeting in Nowhere
Unbeknownst to my Heart and Mind
Somewhere in the midst of crowd assembled
A Fairytale of lifetimes past
--Longly awaited Ritual
Beckoning Smiling Whispers,
A secretly drawn moment
Initiating an outwardly sensed approach.
Out of an Intuitive tangent
Two spoken hellos opened up centuries
Enwrapped with beginless Memories lovingly intertwined,
Speaking a New Fairytale within other co-existing adventurous myths:
A Smile and a Greater Inner audience which is All us
In an ever new and delightful way.
The Syllables we speak open up pathways
Or perhaps reveal them in a sense which cannot be place in one segment of time alone --
An Inner audience rejoicing,
Smiling, so infinitely luminously
Its outer egos too!
But for more reasons that they alone dare articulate --
An illuminated path leading in no particular direction..
Playfully nowhere yet everywhere at once.
To know the cherishing of Thought and Feeling in and of itself
Is our Path,
Our courage to express and explore in ever-Being.
We are before our mouths spoke our names,
Prior to emerging from our identical but respective wombs,
We express timelessness anew each time,
We live at the Cherished point, just prior to thought becoming hardened fact
Let us not question,
But Consciously Delight!
[This poem was written directly about myself and L; our almost immediate, inexplicable and instant recognition upon meeting in 1987]
Somewhere in the midst of crowd assembled
A Fairytale of lifetimes past
--Longly awaited Ritual
Beckoning Smiling Whispers,
A secretly drawn moment
Initiating an outwardly sensed approach.
Out of an Intuitive tangent
Two spoken hellos opened up centuries
Enwrapped with beginless Memories lovingly intertwined,
Speaking a New Fairytale within other co-existing adventurous myths:
A Smile and a Greater Inner audience which is All us
In an ever new and delightful way.
The Syllables we speak open up pathways
Or perhaps reveal them in a sense which cannot be place in one segment of time alone --
An Inner audience rejoicing,
Smiling, so infinitely luminously
Its outer egos too!
But for more reasons that they alone dare articulate --
An illuminated path leading in no particular direction..
Playfully nowhere yet everywhere at once.
To know the cherishing of Thought and Feeling in and of itself
Is our Path,
Our courage to express and explore in ever-Being.
We are before our mouths spoke our names,
Prior to emerging from our identical but respective wombs,
We express timelessness anew each time,
We live at the Cherished point, just prior to thought becoming hardened fact
Let us not question,
But Consciously Delight!
[This poem was written directly about myself and L; our almost immediate, inexplicable and instant recognition upon meeting in 1987]
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